When we talk about that knowledge is power its means that it is the only weapon to shown strength in the world.The idea about wealth is also common that it is also source of power or strength.It is the believed of huge number of person . But this is wrong because the wealth is not permanent.if a man is wealthy today but he may become poor in the future.So the wealth is not true source of power.Thus the only source of strength is knowledge.The general meaning of the word knowledge is the ability read and write. but it not a comprehensive definition.Knowledge means the information and to knows about the basic principles of nature .The word knowledge also means to aware about laws of life. When the man came very first in this world he was very weak creature.slowly and steadily he was able to knows about the the relationship between different things and make laws from them.When he saw fire he feels heat so he conculeds that fire creats heat.Actually the man seek about the laws of nature.These laws were discovered by the experience. knowledge is the sum of natural laws.these laws can be divided and subdivided according to the principles. The knowledge of every principle has helped the humanity and helped man in the development.
The existence of matter was proved and we knows about science further development leads to many branches of knowledge,chemistry, physics, botany, zoology,logic, physiology,Mathematics,economics,medicine but philosophy is the mother of all sciences.All these subjects contributed to world,s betterment.All those countries who are called as advanced countries like Japan , America and Russia and china because they have gained a wide technological knowledge.their technical knowledge and its applications in the field of study proved that knowledge is power
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