Man physically weak; power full through knowledge. Physicallay man is weaker than animals. he has no natural weapos of defence .Yet we see that he isthe master of all.
He can overpower the strong and savage beasts . He has been able to again a central position on
earth . It is all through his superior knowledge and intelligence. Knowledge is the understanding of all sciences, mental , moral and physical, and the priciples which regulate them .It gives man power over other things.
Man was helpless being when he was sent to this earth in the shape of Adam. He discovered fire, learnt its use and acquired power. His knowledge of physical sciences went on
increasing. During the course of time he got mystery over the various forces of Nature.He has invented telegraph , telephone , steam engines,railways, aeroplanes, rockets and space
ships. Machines work for him, Atomic enerty and electricty are his maid -servents. He can fly in the skyies and go deep into the oceans. Through the power of scientific research he has conquered moon. It is all through knowledge.The knowledge of the self and others is also a great power . It is the greatest and themost valuable and powerful of all the brancehes of knowledge .It assists us to understand and read correctly the excellences and defects of the juman mind . It helps us to know our own merits . This conscieousness of power urges us on to the performance of miracles our own defects and limitations.
This knowledge will stimulate us to correct our short comings. It browdens our outlook and enables us to solve our problems, True power is the power over minds of others. It is power not of might or violence but it is the power of benifit in our practical life. If we know accurately the wishes, sentiments , virtues and vices of others we can easily lord over them . All great leaders or men are gifted with a
remarkable knowledge of human nature .