Legend of the Union Minister in Myth (p4)

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Garen - The Power of Demacia (Demacia)

Across Valoran, the decision of the military steely Demacia make people praise or hate, but it is always respected. The slogan 'not tolerate' their 'enforced by both civilians and the military. When fighting, military Demacia can not excuse or something to flee, or surrender to whatever the situation is. These institutions were transmitted to their forces by the example of the glorious leader. Garen, brave warriors bearing the title 'Strength of Demacia', is a measure of any leader to follow. Countless heroes have come and fallen on the bloody battlefields between Demacia and implacable enemies Noxus. Just below the leaves battle this period Garen was first pitted against Katarina - Evil Sword. A soldier witnessed this event (and survived) recounts the clash of the two looks like a moral tone of the sword dance.

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