Life Has Issues

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To some people, it's still an outstanding revelation that there are problems in life that we can't control. Every day, it comes as a surprise that this guy acted like a total idiot to you, or that you need this miracle to happen. It's all well and good that you can try to do the best you can, yet get completely bummed when it doesn't work out. You were always bound to have these problems, whether by fate or some horrible mistake but the actual best you can do about it, is move on. 

Yes, we understand you're dwelling in this pit of misery and it sucks. There is the option of digging yourself out and getting on with life. When something hits you, it's going to knock you down and let's face it, the way everyone's complaining about everything, they're just sitting there and crying. The alternative is to get up and keep walking. The way I see it, if you end up getting mugged (in the scheme of things, that's entirely possible), what can you do? You could moan about how they took your iPhone or your Blackberry and wonder how in hell you'll manage to live without it or you could just order a new one. 

I don't understand that reaction. Someone takes your phone and all you end up doing is crying about it, as if you somehow saved your entire social life on it. It's not like that that is the only iPhone in the world, there are like 6 billion others out there. If you're too upset about losing your contact with society, why not just buy a phone which isn't so mugger-attractive. For example, you can go onto Facebook on a Nokia C3 in the same way you can go on the app on an Android. 

The main difference is self-satisfaction; you buy the phone because you hope to be proud of owning it. The issue with pride is you're going to have the chance to be so stupid that you're going to take the phone out in public and some other idiot is going to take out a knife and threaten you to give it to them. Forget running away, they can chase you. Don't try to be James Bond and try to fight your way out of it, they've got a knife on you. It's risky because it may cause you to cry like a baby but when they ask you for the phone, you could just give it them. 

Oh and when you do get mugged, don't go to the police. Any self-respecting mugger will be wearing something to cover his face and what'll you say in the physical description? There are several millions of people who wear black clothes and cover their faces with a balaclava or a mask. 

Yes, you will eventually be mugged. Yes, your boyfriend/girlfriend will break up with you. Yes, life is going to take a swing at you. Have you noticed that despite these things happening, the world still turns. It's not the end of the world, unless the love of your life decides to leave you then you have a problem.

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