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The life of the people in the cities are very busy as compare to the villages.In the cities all the people are work day and night and have no time free for enjoyment.Even he have no time for his family.In the cities people are doing work late night.

But in the villages people live their life very perfectly.In the villages people are wake up early in the morning.After the prayer he stars their work like cutting the woods,fertilization and other work and after that he go to home for lunch.

After the lunch he will go to sleep and after some hour he went for doing their work like prepare the food for animals etc.Before starts the night he come back to home for diner and early go to sleep.That is why their health is very strong.He eats very heavy food like Milk,Meet,Butter etc and doing very difficult work.

In the villages people have very less  facilities for passing their life but due to the passion of work he works with their hand.So their bodies are very strong.The life in the villages are very happy and beautiful.And i love the villages because in the villages atmosphere is very neat and clean.When i go to villages i feel better.

About the author


I am a Publisher on different networks and also work on Bitlanders....................

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