“Lilting” the first feature for writer-director Hong Khaou, which concerns itself with a language barrier.“Lilting” aside from the fact that he meant everything in the world to his lover Richard (Ben Whishaw), who keeps coming to see Junn and even hires Vann (Naomi Christie), a translator, so that he can talk to her.It means the pleasing rise and fall of a voice, usually accented, and so it makes an apt title for “Lilting”it turns out, has been put into an oddly decorated and sparsely populated assisted living facility by Kai because of her growing forgetfulness. The best scene in the film is a confrontation between them where everything comes to a head, and Vann can barely keep up with their anger and their jockeying for position. Aside from his extraordinary emotional expressiveness and his distinctively will-o’-the-wisp physicality there is a steady integrity to his playing, to what he finds interesting and true. His best scenes are with Christie’s Vann, where he gets to be more casual and funny and hint at a fuller life denied him by the script and though “Lilting” doesn’t give him enough to play with, it does offer the pleasure of watching him in the full flower of his inspiration.
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