Lives of Factories Workers In Cambodia

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Lives of Factories Workers In Cambodia

Many garment workers from every provinces of Cambodia, lives in Phnom Penh in a bad condition. They live in a rented room which is 2.3 metres by 3 meters. The floor of their room is covered with a plastic sheet and is used for cooking during the day and sleeping at night.
All bags and cases, clothes, pots and pans, a sewing machine, and the toilet are in this small space. They shares this space with their friends or relatives who in live with them. The room costs maybe US$40 per month. They share the cost of the living room, cost of water, and electricity among themselves. The toilets in the house are run down, dirty and smelly. All workers bathe in front of their rooms, in spaces they have covered for some privacy.
The water cost is usually over US$4.66 per month per room and tenants share the cost among themselves. House owners charge much more than government rates for water and electricity.
They receives a minimum wage of US$90 a month. If they works overtime( 7am to 8 or 10 mp) and on Sundays, they receives US$0.43 per hour and an additional amount of US$0.50 (2,000 riel) for her evening meal. Overtime is usually for two hours but occasionally extends to four hours. Thanks for reading.

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