Living in a vacation town

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A few humorous thoughts after a fifteen minute drive through a town full of vacationers and Canadians (yes, Canadians are their own category).
- If you are vacationing somewhere, there is a 50% chance that you are driving like it is your first time on the road;
- If you are driving a massive red truck and texting while going through an intersection, do not be surprised when the woman you were headed straight towards when you looked up tells you to 'get out of the gene pool';
- You are not so incredibly special that no one will care when you shoe horn yourself into the middle of a five way intersection because you didn't want to wait for the red light where everyone else is waiting;
- mini vans....what the hell!? Why can't you drive? What did I ever do to you? Why are you trying to kill me?
- I should install a dash cam, some of this stuff must be seen to be believed. I can blur license plates but I'm leaving the bit that say QUEBEC or MASSACHUSETTS.

About the author


I am an Air Force brat who's family settled in Maine when I was half-way through sixth grade. Now I am a legal secretary; I have worked a variety of fields from manufacturing to medical office. Current hobbies include shooting, loom knitting, reading, and kettle-bells.

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