Living With Someone - Premiere on Film Annex Today, Watch it Here. Short by Mark Kuczewski

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Today is the release of my latest film/Documentary ‘Living with Someone’ It tells the story of a girl named Alice who has an imaginary boyfriend.

Alice Grew up with her grandparents and dreams of being a singer, she works as a projectionist in her local cinema. She seems like a fairly normal girl? Well unlike most other girls her age, Alice has an imaginary boyfriend named Adam. But how far can her imagination stretch?

This film was shot for £0, this is not however including the cost of fuel to get to each location. It was all shot around my local area. I have wanted to shoot a film locally for a long time now and this I felt like the prefect opportunity. Film making for a lot of people is difficult because you rarely have everything you wish you had available to you, to make the film you want to make. Sometimes it feels like a constant compromise to get what you need but not what you want! Well in an ideal world I would have a huge budget and many people to help, but in reality I don’t! So I wanted to see what I could achieve without a budget and without lots of people. This is the outcome.

There is no lighting equipment used throughout the film and it was all lit with light from within the location. I used mirrors on occasion to bounce natural light. This was not ideal and trust me this was not done out of laziness. I think every film I make I should try to learn something new. Well by doing this I learned a great deal. Lots to do with how far I could push my camera in natural light, I learned some work arounds to alter footage in post to reduce noise. I learned that you can use lights to make a scene look good without having to break the bank. You just need to think logically and be willing to experiment.

I am incredibly pleased with this film, my last short cost me around £600 and premiered right here on film annex a few months back. It’s called ‘Falling’ and there was a crew of around 11 people on that. After you have watched this go and give it a watch even just for comparison. 

A couple of people helped me out here with some of the music. Sasha Evans, you might remember her from the vocals for my last film. She is incredibly talented and I actually saw here singing when I was in California and she was amazing.  John Wood who is a good friend of mine did the track for the end, which I really like and last but not least Natalie Pailing who is the actress from the film. She is actually trained in musical theater and has a stunning voice.

So here it is, I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did making it.

About the author


Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years many of witch are now making their way round the festival circuit. Ready or Not has picked up awards for ‘Best thriller’ and the ‘No Limits Award’ as well as being screened at Eat our…

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