love & friendship

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All of us have friends from the opposite sex , sometimes you start to feel something new , you  start to doubt your feelings about that person and become jealous from other people in thier lives


How can you  differentiate between love and friendship , here are some advices

1 - If you are just friends so you will feel happy if he/she strt to date someone

2- If you are just friends so you will be comfortabe to the extent that you will allow him to see you at all times

3- If you are just friends so both of you are able of not taking with each other a few days but if you feel worry about him and all the time wondering of what he is doing right now so you may be in love with him

4-if you are just friends so you don't care so much about how your friend acts  becuse friends accept each other as the way they are they don't try to change each other

5- if you are just friends so you don't care so much about your looks

6- if your just friends so everyone bout you understand your relationship because people around us pick up things faster thn you do



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