Made my Grandma Laugh

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My mom decided to visit our grandmother and grandfather a while ago. When we got there, my aging lola (grandmother) was very happy since it has been a while since we last visited. I had small chats with my lola who has been recovering after going out from the hospital. They were looking for her medicinal ball and while they were looking for it, I made a joke about it and my lola laughed really hard. Hearing my lola laugh made me feel great because I have not heard her joyful laugh in a while. I really love my grandparents because when I was still young, they taught me a lot of things and I remember those times were they would let me feel like I'm their favorite apo (grandson). 

I hope my lola would get well soon so that she'll be able to do the things that she likes. Show your love for your grandparents while they are still here so that you won't regret it when the time comes for them to leave this wonderful life of ours.