Magnetic Materials and thier properties

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Diamagnetic type material

  • E.g cadimum, coper and silver, zinc
  • Show weak megnatization when external megnatic field is applied.
  • No permanent dipole movements in atom


  • Electrons orbit are randomly oriented in space. When megnatic field is applied , induced megnatic moment in produced in opposite direction all such megnatic moment cancels on another with result in zero megnatism.




  • It repels megnatic lines of forces.
  • It does not depend on temperature and strength of megnatic field.
  • Non megnatic movementis present in material.
  • Susceptibility is always negative
  • Relative permeability <1

Paramagnetic materials

  • It has permanent magnetic dipoles.
  • When external field is applied magnetic induction present in specemen increases.


  • Permanent magnetic moment arises due to orbital and spin motion of electorns
  • But orbital magnetic moment cancels when external field applied
  • Spin megnatic moment tends to align direction of external field which results in large magnetization


  • Susceptibility is positive and small.
  • Relative permeability is >1
  • Susceptibility is inversly proportional to absolute temperature of material

Ferro magnetic materials

  • Show strong magnetization in direction of applied magnetic field
  • Has enormous permanent magnetic moments in each atom.


  • Domains present in material


  • Magnetic susceptibility is large and positive.
  • Suseptibility depends on temperature
  • Magnetic lines of forces are strongly attracted by speciumen.
  • Exhibit hystresis phenomena

About the author


Hey guys this is me Rana yusaI usually get frustrated to things as quick as i get attracted to 'em. I am affectionate, analytical, opinionated and self determined, realistict nd kind'a prcticle bo. I am not interested in talking to most people, perhaps that what makes those few unique individuals…

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