Maintaining a Gas Log Fireplace Insert
To keep your gas log fireplace insert in good condition it is important to keep it maintained to ensure optimal service. If you have got a gas log fireplace, it will provide a clean burning heat without the need for wood pellets or logs of wood to heat the room. The beauty of this type of fireplace gives off good heat without the mess.
Like all fireplaces, the gas log fireplace needs to be maintained it is easier than a wood burning fireplace. When installed it should have come with a set of instruction on how to maintain it to get the most beneficial use out of your fireplace.
There are some things that need to be done on a regular basis to keep your fireplace in good trim:
Check the pilot safety system is in good working order
Check on the combustion and ignition is working as they are meant to be.
Clean the burners and gas pilots regularly
Regularly check that the combustion vents and the chimney draw are working properly
Check the door gaskets, that they are not damaged or cracked
If it has a fan then check its operating properly
Clean the glass of the fireplace doors
Keep the exterior part of clean
If the fireplace box needs painting then use a paint that is suitable for gas fireplace.
Regular attention to these points above will keep your fireplace operating as the manufacturer designed it to work for a long time.