Man of Steel

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Being a comic book and Christopher Nolan fan I was really excited to see this movie especially when I heard that Chris would be involved. Director Zack Snyder certainly knows how to handle VFX shots and he does it beautifully here although Zack known for his stylish colors and overall movie look like "Watchmen" and "300", "Man of Steel" lacks that style and instead he choose a quiet dull and bleak look for the movie I don't know why.


The movie itself story wise isn't very solid as it is sometimes very slow and sometimes very fast so the pacing of the film is a little off. With all that negativity being said you still have to say that this is the best Superman movie to date and it does make the future brighter for this very popular comic book character who has really been misinterpreted in the past.


This movie tells the origin story of Superman like no other starting way back on his home planet Krypton with his father who is played by Russel Crow who gives a very good performance. The visuals in this movie are really great as expected from director Zack Snyder and Henry Cavil is the perfect Superman although I don't see him being a good Clark Kent because he was too serious in this movie as it was required of him, we will have to wait and see the sequel which is off course going to be one of the biggest movies of all time as it will be the first time ever in which Superman and Batman will be in the same movie.


With all that being said "Man of Steel" is a good solid visually stunning movie but it just falls short of becoming a great movie due to some weaknesses, but not a bad start at all. 

About the author


Mohamed Khalifa is an independent filmmaker from Egypt. He started working on movies in 2009 but it was in 2011 that he really stood out when he made the first horror movie in Egyptian history "Haunted Hearts" which got very good feedback. After that he made five movies all of…

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