Mark of the beast in my pants

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I For One hate losing Any thing like A Charge Card or Driver License , anything that must be replaced . To me it is a headache having to report the changes to everyone and their mama who matters , so when Banks go putting chips in my cards Without my OK To do so, it's no less of a headache then had I Lost my card Not everyone wants chips in theirs wallets/handbags . I Know they think it's for my protection but how is a chip going to protect me ? The cards are thin and I Prefer something thick in my pants , gotta know it's there , ha ha

Would it not make more sense protecting customers without telling everyone what your doing ? As with Children and anything child proof , someone will find a way around it if you let them know what they need to work on .


About the author


I am a simple man.. likes to be online and have friends. im looking for the best way to express myself and thoughts and to earn online. ^_^

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