mB 1.37416 || 25/02/15

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mB 1.37416 || 25/02/15 

Today I have earned more than any other day on my Bitlanders since joining on 1st-Feb-15.

I am very happy and glad and very much excited and moral is too high to do work more on it and gain more #Buzz. 

This is for you all my friends too you also have to work more and make blogs, microblogs, movies, galleries and subscribe your buddies.


ThankYou all my friends who are praying for me especially my wife @BitCoiini. love you dear.


About the author


Hello! My name is Mirza (BitCoiin), and I love to Online Earning for free and also enjoying with my friends. I am enjoying watching movies like Fantasy, Adventure & little bit Horror movies. I'm also a adict of watching TV shows. You should have a sense of humor (big plus…

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