Media and Social Development

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The evolution of human societies which I call it as social development has been influenced by numerous factors during the history of mankind. Of these factors, media are a contemporary one to which this social development is remarkably indebted. The culture and science, as significant characteristics of a society, need not only to be devised from one generation to the next, but also to be spread amongst every society of the same epoch and thus act as inter-social connectors to ameliorate and strengthen human relationships.  Given the intricacies towards this aspire; media have lent us a plateful hand to this accomplishment.

Now, grace to the media, human societies are more closed to each other than ever before. Cultural exchanges are taking place unprecedentedly rapidly, accelerating the enrichment of societies.  An Asian child of eleven or twelve, for instance, is in a chair in the living room watching a documentary about the life of children in Europe. When an American adult is listening to a song of a famous Australian singer online, he or she has a debt to the internet that paved the way for them to profit these facilities grace to which a great deal of social entertainments will be shared, leading us to a world union. Besides, cultural inheritances can be easily shared through media among all mankind; giving them the impression of brotherhood and having them feel the Earth as a common homeland for all humanity.

Humans had a vast progress in science in the last few centuries compared to that of the times of yore. This progress is significant; and it must be shared to all. As long as media grant connections among nations, the science will be spread everywhere and all will be endowed with it: from a scholar studying in British Library in England to an orphan child with few supplies, surfing the internet in Afghanistan; all are endowed with science. And no doubt that media are an essential factor of social development, being a source of knowledge for countless populace who don’t have a reliable source of knowledge within their reach. And thus media emerged in our life.


Abdullah SEDDIQY


About the author


Abdullah Seddiqy is a junior of law and politics in Herat University. He was born in July 1991 in Farah, Afghanistan. In 1998 and at the age of seven, he enrolled in the local elementary school. In 2002 he move to Herat and is living there since then. Since has…

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