Michael Bay Posts a Second Statement about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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Producer Michael Bay has posted a second statement about the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" movie that will be titled Ninja Turtles.

"Paramount marketing changed the name. They made the title simple. The characters you all remember are exactly the same, and yes they still act like teenagers. Everything you remember, why you liked the characters, is in the movie. This script is being developed by two very smart writers, with one of the original creators of Ninja Turtles. They care VERY MUCH about making this film for the fans. Everyone on this team cares about the fans. Just give them a chance. Jonathan the director, is a major fan of the whole franchise. HE'S NOT GOING TO LET YOU DOWN.



Paramount Pictures is planning a December 25, 2013 release for Ninja Turtles. Read more movie news and watch trailers at Maumau Web TV'sblog posts or watch The Best Free movies on its 11 great channels.

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