Middle Eastern food recipes

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Afghanistan cooking Sweets Cream Roll

Cream Roll also known as Crème Roll, cream roll, some don't know how to make so here it is. It is quite easy. It is just a tube of bread with some whipped cream inside it.


Ingredients: (depends on how much you want)

  • -1kg flour
  • -2 eggs
  • -1glass of salad oil
  • -1block of yeast (4cmx4cmx4cm)
  • -powdered sugar
  • -pistachio
  • -cardamom
  • -Cream

First what you have to do is mixing 2 eggs with 1glass of salad oil, the block of yeast and 1kg of flour. Just mix it by hand.
After that, let it rest for half an hour. Make some balls of it like the size of your fist.
Make your balls a really flat square. Like 1.5mm.
Use a knife to cut the square in strips of 3cm

Now you have to rotate the strips you made around the aluminums staffs.

Let the oven heat up for like ten minutes.
Now put the pipes you made (with the aluminums) in the oven. The time depends on how high you've put you oven. So it could be always different. Just get it out when it hardens, or gets a bit yellow. It could take 10/30 minutes.
While it's in the oven, take a mill, a morter or something else to smash the pistachio and cardamom in little pieces or rather powder.
Here you go the creme roll is ready, afghan people mostly have this wid a cup of green/ black tea either in the morning for breakfast or evening.


@Zohra Habibi


About the author


Iam Zohra habibi. I am a student of BBA at Bakhtar University and currently working with ACSC as a weblogger.I am a hardworking girl and want to be a great personality in future.

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