Missing My Uncle

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From a loving niece

Missing my uncle 
He was only 54 , he had only just giving up smoking when cancer hit him......

you were the most important person in my life
you knew when I was upset 
you helped me through the good and the bad

so why couldn't I help you, why couldn't u stay on this earth.....

With you leaving it hurt the family really bad, 
we all turned up to your funeral we cried our hearts out...

2 of us stood up and spoke about you , it was hard to realize that you had left us as we spoke to everyone in the church , as we looked at your coffin our hearts broke just that little bit more , apart of our hearts that will never be fixed as long as we live.

You spoke with so much strength in your voice, 
but once you go sick your body couldn't handle it any more and you gave in to the cancer, 
you went through chemo but that didn't help in only 4 months you were gone..

I'm sorry uncle Ron that I didn't have a chance to tell you how much I loved you 
and how much I will miss you every day......

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