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This Amazing video was created by Walter Volbers (A professional computer animator for the past 20 years and 10 years of traditional cell animator before. Working near Wiesbaden,Germany). This film to take nearly 10 years to complete. Camera animation is 'one shot' except for the crash zoom in the beginning with a short disolve to the key, where Walter change the set. He started out using Mental Ray but he was forced to switch to Arnold (faster, better, more stable). As already mentioned, the production-time is10 years. Yes, this seems long, but this was an 'on and off' project done aside from his day job as a CG artist. And most time was wasted having to redo the shading with Arnold. Summed up to an eight hour workday the animation of the Mite was completed in two weeks.

All credit goes to the creator of the Film Walter Volbers.




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32, single, male

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