Mobile and Students
Mobile is an electronic device which is use to make voice and video call and text messages to the other who know you or you know them. It is very great adventure of technology which make ease to contact with others. But in the passage of time it can create very harmful effects on us as well as on students.
I select this topic because I am also a student and doing Bs (Hons) in chemistry. During my study I feel that my cell phone is not fruitful for me because when I am taking class some call me and I disturbed and cant able to concentrate on topic. It upset me. And some time during the lecture I make call to my friends or text them and can’t show interest in lecture. It is not only done with me my many friends share me this issue.
In my class I see many boys and girls during the class the text each other and can’t take interest in study.
In outside the class we all are also buy in this activity that call someone and text someone it become our habit and very really if we leave over mobile in home we leave very upset in our whole day.
So, on the basis of these examples I suggest you that mobile is very good thing but not for students. If you are student and you have a mobile then reduce it usage. Use it if there is very important thing or have problem otherwise no need to make text or call to others without need. It is the loss of money and time of student it also change the habits of the student. So, I want to suggest the students that have mobile reduce the use of mobile as you can reduce it at the end of best wishes, God bless all of you.