Money is the Root Cause to Many Problems

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Money, we can't really live with it, but we most certainly can't live without it. One could say that it's a necessary evil to be honest in this day and age.

But there are a lot of issues that are caused by money. Either by not having enough of it or maybe having too much about it.

Rich people and poor people alike have problems that are rooted with money. For rich people, there is always that seed of doubt that people might not be their true friends because of their personality, but really how much money they have. And poor people, they worry about providing for themselves.

There is also that rapidly dwindling group in the center, but the middle class may be closer to perishing than we believe.

The problem is that we're not going to be able to put that genie back into the bottle, not if we want to live a comfortable life. Some might disagree, but with the government taxing everything short of the air we breathe(and that's only for now), money is the thing that keeps us from attaining true independence.
