Money vs Power

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In the proverbial question of Money vs Power, there are various ways of addressing the argument. You can go completely on one perspective. Would you rather be the richest person in the world or the most powerful. Bill Gates or Barack Obama. Im not going to tell you which one I would choose but I believe that by the end of this article, we will both share the same opinion.

Let’s play a game. For me to win you over I need you to commit to the game, otherwise it is a waste of everyone’s time and you should stop reading now. Here are the rules. There is only one. Power and Money are relative, whichever one you choose, we remain equal. If you’re the richest man in the world, I am the most powerful. You’re Bill, Im Barack.

Most people choose money, so let’s start there. You want to be rich. For the rest of this game, we are roommates. Whatever you do, I do. How would you like to start our day? We wake up, what do we do? Take 5 minutes and imagine with as much detail how we would spend this theoretical day. We only get one, so get as creative as you can.

Here’s mine. We wake up and go for breakfast. Somewhere nice but not too nice where we have to dress up. We order whatever we want, because it’s obviously on you. After we have stuffed our faces and are completely satiated we turn on the news and get caught up on the local events. We come back to the house and work on our respective projects until it is time for lunch. Once again we go out and repeat our eating ritual. This time we go somewhere nicer. We decide to take a stroll down our neighbourhood and maybe do a little shopping. Once again, you’re too generous. Now it’s dinner time. I don’t need to explain how amazing it was being able to have literally anything we wanted. We decide to go out, maybe take in a show until we decide to retire. Sounds like a great day but pretty uneventful right?

Here’s how our days are different. We go out for breakfast and place our order but before our food comes, someone stops us. They want to thank us. You, for all of the money that you have donated. Me, for the lives I have been able to personally change by being involved in as many projects as I choose as I am obviously in very high demand. After we eat and turn on the news your story comes on first. Your company profits are through the roof and you’re donating half your money to charity. Congratulations. Then its time for mine. I was able to successfully negotiate the return of foreign diplomats that were being held in harsh conditions under an oppressive regime. All it took was one phone call.

Once we return from breakfast, your phone explodes with vibration. You have 36 missed calls and over 100 texts. You jump right into it and handle it all like the pro that you are. I don’t turn on my phone because I don’t work for anyone. Neither do you, but there you are working. Im stuffed and so I take a nap. I wake up just in time for lunch though.

After our lunch routine we go shopping. Even walking down a ritzy street like Yorkville, we are stopped yet again. This time you’re not recognized. Or if you are, you’re not cared about. We are in an area where money doesn’t matter. Im once again thanked for everything I do. This happens a couple of times before we even get to our first store. Once we do get in though, everything is on you. I think I have a completely new wardrobe. I don’t know how to thank you. You go to pay but you don’t have to. The cashier recognizes me and as a fellow humanitarian cannot in good conscience charge a Nobel Peace Prize Winner. I still thank you, after all it was the thought that counts...

At dinner we once again get stopped but we are used to it at this point. We decide to unwind and take in a show. You buy the best tickets money can buy, we are right up front. This time, you get a chance to pay. We are so close to the artist(s) I can see into their eyes, and them into mine. They lose concentration and have to stop the performance. They can’t believe it’s really me. The spotlight goes on me, the entire audience applauds when my name is mentioned. God this is so embarrassing. I try to include you in the spotlight, but unfortunately there is only room for one, and Im not the one controlling it.

We go back home and try to forget the night. Our beds are equally as comfortable- the best money can buy. I fall asleep immediately with a smile on my face. You twitch restlessly dreading your day tomorrow, At this point I don’t have to tell you why money means absolutely nothing to me. You can do so much good without it, and that’s all I want to do. It legitimately makes me happy. It always baffles me when people say that money makes them happy, I can never understand why.

About the author


I am a University of Toronto student and aspiring politician. I believe that there are always two sides to a story and attempt to actively seek out the less popular opinion. I do not expect everyone to agree with me, in fact I encourage debate but lets keep it civil.…

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