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the only personality which is  real gift from ALMIGHTY ALLAH . the only personality which cares her children more than her ownself . she sacrifies her sleep , food , rest , piece , luxuries , and rest every thing for a single smile of her children . 

a mother can face each and every difficulty she can bear any type of loss but she can not   bear any trouble , damage to her own children 

she prefers every best thing she have for her own children . ALMIGHTY ALLAH created unlimited love in her heart for her children . second most respected personality after the ALLAH and MUHAMMAD ( peace be upon him ) is every mother .

mother is respected in every religion . those who care for mom they achieve highest goals in their life . almighty allah give rewards to those who cares alot for their mom . islam is the best religion which talks about the respect of mothers more than any other religion in the world . 

always make your mom happy and smiling . almighty ALLAH  never reject any prayer of mother . ALLAH fulfil every thing that a mom desire for her children . 


always respect your parents espacially care your mom more than any relation in this world . respect and obey your mom to get highest place in the HEAVENS. 


About the author


saeed khan , age 20 , student .

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