"Movie Poster Art" Image is Everything

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You've heard the famous saying, Image is Everything! Right! Well when it comes to movie poster art, this saying could not be closer to the truth. So, you're a filmmaker, and you've finished your masterpiece, Your shopping for a deal and you know your film is good, but what about your poster art. Does it reach the level of quality you put into your movie. If not, you should consider working with a great graphic artist and create a very marketable Poster, DVD/Blu-Ray Cover. From a distributors point of view, the poster art is one of the top selling tools for your movie. as a matter of fact many films have been sold with just the poster art and a great trailer. At some point, even if you secure a distribution deal, the distributor will often have their own graphic artists create new artwork as they know how important this is for the success of the film. So, why not get a leg up and jump out of the box with some killer artwork. It will greatly improve your chances of landing that big deal. The main thing to pay attention too while creating your poster art is to start with a Hi-Res Photo Still from your production. Many filmmakers do not plan these things out in advance, and therefore miss this opportunity. I strongly recommend that you bring a good photographer out on the set of your next film, and capture some great Hi-Res Stills for your poster art. The poster art can be anything one desires, but from my experience with film buyers, the poster art should have a Crisp, 3D, Hi-Res look to it, as this represents what your film quality may look like. Well, I hope this helps you on your next film project. "poster art above is from the film Butterfly via R-Squared Films".

About the author


Jeffrey A Swanson has been involved in the Entertainment industry for over ten years. First landing a starring role in the low budget horror film "Carnivore" released on 20th Century Fox, then going on to head up his own record label Dark Star Records. Jeffrey A Swanson now shoots and…

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