Hey guys! How's August so far? Is it good? Well if you would like to ask me, it is definitely doing great on my end. I had officially bid goodbye to July earlier and I am just finalizing my July 2016 Total Revenue. Well, actually I have already listed them but was not able to compute the total amount yet.
By the time I publish this, I am quite sure that the total amount has been published as well. So here it is:
Again, let me advise you that these includes all the amount which I had redeemed, received or still pending. The notes in the right most side means:
Delivered - Received as PayPal Funds
Confirmed - Pending Payments
I can't believe I was able to earn this amount in just one month! The best thing about this is that aside from me being able to earn something, my brother who was also my referrer had earned some good amount too!
Thank you bitLanders! I love you so much.
Check how much I earned last three months:
June 2016 Earnings
May 2016 Earnings
April 2016 Earnings
March 2016 Earnings
jean beltran-figues