my country pakistan

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pakistan is one of the most beautiful country of the world . there are two big nations living the country .one are muslims and other are christians. pakistan is a country having four provinces . sindh , baluchistan, punjab and khyber pakhtoon khuwa. each province have their own culture , language and their livings. punjab is the most populated province and people speak punjabi language mostly .their cultural dress is shalwar kameez and their earnings mostly depend upon agriculture.  sindh province is also populated ,people speak sindhi mostly balouchistan people speak balochi and live a bakward life . and khyber pakhtoon khuwa is the forth province is pakistan .i live in  kpk .it is the most beautiful place lies on nothren side of pakistan .two type of people are living pakhtoons and hazaraywaal both have their own culture .paktoons speak pashto and hazaray wwal spaek hindko.we have our own cultural dance.hence my country is the most beautiful country of the world.                                        the beutiful view of k p k

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