MY Daily Life

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Helo friends my name it doesn't matter what my name what matters is what i want to say or tell today i will tell you about my day how it startes well as you all know it was sunday a vacation so woke up late as i was in home so i had fresh homemade pratha (something like pan cakes) with simple fried egg with black pepper and salt o it afterwards hot black tea with morning news.which was related to you know common boring stuff after that i got a call from a friend he was my classmate in college he is in lahore for further he asked me do i am bezy or free i said i m free as a bird come on lets catch up he joined me at my home we had some soft drinks than he asked me about a new cell phone he wants to purchase so for that we went to plaza we visted many shops but some were cheap some were expansive sso we had to find that cell which is in our limited amount and competitive to our dezires and needs so we slected two of them which were in range and in our needs one was blackberry and other was Htc and after online competition we got htc it was lavish /prety and according to our needs. So we checked in you known its camera and speaker stuff like tgat deal was done.we went to nearest ATM to widraw cash we came back and paid the sum of 28000 and we got his home we had checked out the cell in that i got call from another friend he also wanted to meet me so i went to his home.the story remains but save it for tomorrow see you all tomarow bye

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