My Favourite Personality

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Quaid-e-Azam, that is my favourite personality which is Pakistan’s Founder. He have done so much effort for his country, Pakistan and also achieved goals. I like my beautiful country Pakistan that was came being in 1947.



Quaid-e-Azam was one of the best founder from rest of the other country’s founder. He has to build up the spirit of Muslims to take his rights and to begin a happiest life. His thoughts were superb and his all performances were best and he was a very honorable person. He had a big power to help the needy people in their cases. One who should obey the rules of right and wrong then automatically his life becomes cool and happy. He is aware from all faults if he is honest in all works.



His history, thoughts, provides different and good ideas to be a successful person because when we start a good work we will get a good result and if we have done any bad work then we will be a failure. One should be try to do an excellent work by using legal sources then he will take a very well get up and looks like a established person and also get honorable position in front of his family and in living area.



We should try our best in all good activities and must to get a good position for ourselves. We should help the poor and must co-operate with them who deserves and put our self very brilliant and successful person like Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.


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