My Project Proposal for World Bank Group

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Great Leaders create more leader, they don’t create followers



Any country’s economy is mainly based on number of people employed in that country in private and public sectors. Nowadays thousands of skilled and unskilled youth of age 15-29 are struggling to get jobs either because of lack of required skills or limited number of people being selected. Current wave of recession had severe impact of economies of developed nations and result increased unemployment forcing companies to go for downsizing. Percentage of unemployment has resulted in different social impacts. In morocco, 51% of young age people are unemployed, majority of them are low skilled and they do not match required skills for the job. This issue has serious social implications.


Problem details:

According to a modern research study conducted by the Gallup organization, one out of three young Moroccans wants to leave the country or is planning to do so because of bad expectations or due to the poor available opportunities, knowing that the desire to emigrate increases as the level of youth education increases, public opinion polls show that the majority of young people are complaining about the uncertainty and ambiguity surrounding their economic future. Education and skills are not enough to get a decent job, whether in the public or private sector, in the absence of personal or family connections. Morocco, despite of satisfactory economic performance over past 10 years still has majority of young age people unemployed because of lack of required skills. More than 69% young age people of middle school degree are amongst unemployed. More over those employed people are working in informal sector which lacks access to basic working environment and they have to work in conditions that are not fine for working all of the young working people express dissatisfaction at the jobs they have because of the low wages they receive and the lack of a minimum level of job stability; four out of five employed youth haven’t signed an employment contract, which means that most of them work in the informal sector.
Recently policy has been formulated that will address key issues related to unemployment in Morocco of which main issue is to train youth to get enough skills to work in any environment. This current policy will provide skilful youth to Morocco which will help in booming economy of Morocco. According to a recent study conducted by the World Bank, most of the unemployed youth in Morocco have either low education levels or haven’t studied at all, and employment policies still focus on higher education graduates. Those who are least educated are left without any help. The mediation agency in the labour market, namely the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills, is still not well-known among young people, and only 8% of unemployed youth have benefited from its services. Most important part is, if the Government and other responsible people from administration do not consider this as a matter of priority and of importance, this problem will eventually result in negative way for the economy and stability of the nation.





Social impacts:

  • Limited access to high level education
  • Disturbed family environment
  • Lack of access to basic life facilities
  • Forcing youth to theft, mental illness, fatigue, alcoholism


Every problem has some solution. Main thing is how to address that problem and look for possible solutions. Recent wave of youth unemployment in Morocco has posted serious threats to Morocco economy that needs more skilful young age people to work in public and private sectors. Unfortunately majority of young age people are either unskilful and they cannot perform their duties according to set standards. So the initiative should be taken to tackle this problem on long term basis. The idea which we will suggest will be based on

"Team Implementation Strategy”

Our strategy will be based on “Joint Initiatives” such as joint team work that involves the Government, NGOs, Media, Civil Society Organizations, Banking Sectors, International partners (neighbouring countries, foreign media) and Private companies in an effort to work towards the solution to the particular problem.


  1. Government will start different vocational training schools that will provide young age people to gain enough practical experience, knowledge and prepare them for the challenges after institutional studies to perform any duty they are asked to. Government of Morocco has to focus on vocational training sessions based on practical work related to the field they are working in. In this way they can help vast majority of people across the country that are suffering from lack of enough skills.
  2. Government must participate, motivate, support and provide entrepreneurial opportunities to the unskilful youth both in rural and urban areas, and must help organizations and entrepreneurs who come up with ideas of micro businesses that can be of positive change in the society by giving them micro finances.



Non-government organizations has key role in this aspect particularly international NGOs with qualified and experienced staff, who will train the young population with complete focus and priority. Besides training and mentoring they will also provide members, volunteers and interns with financial stipends. NGOS can start their program on merit base by introducing their initiative in different schools, colleges, universities both in rural and urban areas, in addition also target the unemployed skilled and unskilled youth.


Media in todays’ world has been main player to address any issue. Media such as social media or other type can help create awareness regarding youth unemployment and how youth unemployment affects individuals, groups and society’s future and how it can impact vice versa. Media with help of NGOS can run awareness programs to let young people know of what they need to work on and how they can get good jobs by gaining required skills through vocational training sessions.


Private companies:

They can provide young age people with internships, training to build their skills practically.

International Partners:

International partners such as the World Bank, neighbouring countries, foreign media and other organizations who are suffering with the same issues and who have come up with solutions to this problem.



Education is the investment our generation makes in the future.

Mitt Romney

The first and foremost important thing is that Government and officials must take issue as very important and deal with it on priority bases, it must double its effort on a long-term strategy for youth projects that are focused on education, training, partnership, learning based activities. For this purpose my team will propose the

“AIDA Model”


The challenging task is to bring together all the stakeholders for the ultimate goal of action, the first stage is to create awareness within all parts of the country and give a clear message of the initiative, the AIDA Model in this regard is very beneficiary such as through this model, the teamed up stakeholders will know how to start working on the processes for the project.


The training needs to be well targeted not only at business and legal procedures, but also at entrepreneurship and innovation. These training based projects will be implemented in partnership with civil society organisations teaming up with all the other factors such as the Social entrepreneurs, Media (Social Media), World Bank, Private Companies. The government must provide funding such as finances, reimbursements, microfinances and support to young entrepreneurs who wants to set up their small businesses and work for positive changes. Each group and individual must work together for the ultimate goal of different projects. Most importantly, gathering of all the qualified, deserving and interested youth (both male and female) from all parts of the country for the project for the starting of initiation of the projects. Initiation stage involves the following factors as we have discussed earlier. It really is a challenging task to team up the Government, NGOs, Media (Social Media) for advertising and creating public messages, and Involvement of the internal stakeholders from the societies, Private Organizations, Banking Sectors, and International Organizations. For the successful outcome and in order to solve the issues in Morocco, these steps MUST be taken.


For this purpose I would like to give an example from Afghanistan, in order to promote female education in the democratic system in President Hamid Karzai’s regime, the Government and International Organization team up all together which included different all ministries, media, NGOs, Private Organizations, Banking Sectors to work for the ultimate goal of attracting all the targeted female students towards schools, colleges, universities, jobs, governmental posts, NGOs and to get their focus away from the war, social and mental insecurities. They started promoting female participation among the communities, they motivated skilled and deserving ladies such as gave them opportunities, they created positive image of successful female leaders, included seminars, workshops and different conferences so that they could focus on women awareness, empowerment and guidance. Media helped such as by advertising Public Service Messages about the importance of Female education. NGOs in this regard were very successful such as they provided them with learning based trainings, important skills and education about the future challenges ahead. Private organization and Banking sector gave micro-finances to the deserving female entrepreneurs and motivated them for jobs and teaching purposes.

This project was a huge success such as the outcome of this "Team Implementation Strategy” after a decade has fruitful results. 








About the author


Dream, Travel, Eat, Gaming, Poetry

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