My Thoughts & Refelction On The Short Film 'Falling' by Mark Kuczewski

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"When Harry ventures up to the top of a building to jump, the last thing he expects is for Lisa to have the exact same thing in mind. Now they both have a huge decision to make, do they go together? Or not at all?"

Early this year I watched a short little film by the name of 'Falling' written & directed by Mark Kuczewski which was shot on a rooftop in London. The premise was simple but it was sweet and it really drew me in on an emotional level. I only recently watched it back again so that I could analyse into it further and discover why I loved it so much in the first place.

I guess you could say I'm a sucker for films that deal with human relationships and the way we interact with one another but I find it such an intriguing premise to work from. The way in which the characters find one another on that rooftop and begin to talk feels so raw and natural; something about the script just flows. In my eyes there wasn't a thing about it that felt off from the get go.

I particularly loved the score as I felt it accompanied the visuals and the way in which the pacing of the film unfolded extremely well, especially towards the end. It was partly this that made me really begin to feel for these two.

By the end of it I was hoping that perhaps they wouldn't go through with it and that they'd realise what they have now is good enough. Perhaps they'd even go for a drink afterwards instead of falling to their impending doom but I'm glad the director went with the less obvious choice. It made for a more dramatic resolution but at the same time it still left me feeling satisfied. I was happy knowing that at least they went down together and not alone.

About the author


There’s something about picking up a camera and having the flexibility to create something entirely original out of nothing, Making something that seems at first glance a little boring or ordinary and transforming it into something extraordinary. It was the ability to mould the shape of reality, create something of…

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