My very long and ongoing hiatus

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As some of you may have may have noticed, I am not around here a lot lately and won't be around a lot more. You see two weeks ago my health became so bad that I had to stop all the work that I do both offline and online. 

My hernia has aggravated so much that I see black when I try to stand. It was that painful. A lesser mortal would have fainted. Despite seeing black I was still able to be conscious ( well barely). 

So I went to see the doctor and I was told it was too much stress that took it's toll on me. I was really abusing my own body. I only eat once or twice a day and I barely sleep. So I found out that my white blood count is 15K plus when normal levels are 8K to 11K. Right now I am under medication and is not allowed to sleep late. 

I am currently awaiting to get ultrasound before the doctors decide to operate on my hernia. I will try to catch up on you guys after that I hope you won't mind me gone for an extended period of time. 

Let's hope I can still be back online after that. So how's is it going guys?

About the author


I am the awesome Ben Ryan Lee

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