Myths, Stories and Inca Gold

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Myths, Stories and Inca Gold, did these ancients ever imagine a gold rush like today


By Cynthia Taylor


The ancient Inca’s valued gold and other precious metals and used them to make statuettes and then decorated them with precious stones.


Many stories and legends talk about vast storehouses of precious object such as gemstones to gold statuettes and other precious objects. But we don’t know the truth of these legends. The Spanish invaded Peru and many of their temples and buildings were demolished and the treasures looted and sent to Spain.


It is said that despite all this looting much of the Peruvian treasures were hidden and even today people are looking for those lost reassures. There have been many expeditions through the ages in this search for these lost treasures. Films have been made about this search for the Peruvian treasures and other ancient civilizations treasures.


These ancient Peruvians believed that gold was the sweat of the sun because of its golden hue. And that the silver was the moon’s tears. Gold was believed to be a symbol of power, blessing of the Sun-god and eternity. It was considered a sacred element of which is part of nature.


Even today men still seek ‘El Dorado’ and spend millions of dollars in their search, often losing their investments to an elusive search for a commodity that is freely available to everyone today.


Today’s treasure hunters needn’t go far to find that treasure and own it, investing money in gold and precious metals is like creating your own treasure house. A search on the internet will reveal many investment companies such as Superior Gold Group, who will advise you how to create your own special portfolio of precious metals and especially gold. Gold billion, coins and trading in gold can bring a good return on investment and a good diversifying commodity to add to any good investment portfolio.


Jewelry is another good investment and jewelry made with gold is still one of the most attractive available. Women especially love wearing jewelry made of gold. But men are not left out with heavy gold chains, rings, earrings, and even nose piercings! However, gold jewelry is not always the safest investment as it is often a temptation for a slick thief. Home safes and even storing gold jewelry in banks does not guarantee that an investor won’t lose ones investment. Even though gold jewelry in time of trouble has saved many peoples lives in past conflict situations.


From an investment point of view, gold billion, coins and the like are safer bets than mere jewelry. Gold bullion stored in vaults and insured are safe security for a diversified portfolio. Contacting an investment broker who can advise you on where would be the best and safest areas to invest your money, for an excellent return on your investment can be found on websites such as, experienced staff are on stand by to advise you and help you understand the gold market, how to buy gold, where to invest your IRA funds, how to avoid putting all your eggs in a risky venture. And overall keep an eye on your portfolio to advise you when to sell and buy.


Copyright Cynthia Taylor

February 11, 2010 

About the author


I'm a work from home grandmother, blogger and freelance writer i'm owned by several cats, 2 dogs and a parrot.

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