Nature of Islamic polity part-I

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Islamic state is the instrument and vehicle of change of Islamic ideology; hence its structure modes ad institution will be in accordance with the teachings of Islam. The reconstruction of an ideal Islamic socio-economic and political order is basically the responsibility of state as it has enormous and most effective resources at its disposal. Certain salient features of this system as listed below.


According to Islam all the powers belongs to Allah. It implies that in an Islamic state Quran and Sunah and stands paramount. As Allah’s will’s and his commandments are found in holy text while sunnah consist of actions and sayings of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). The attitude of submissiveness and sarunder to divine will stands as an effective safeguard to preservation to public liberties and eradication of autocracy. It is to be noted that the objective resolutions and the preambles of all constitutional of Islamic republic of Pakistan.

Popular vice regency

Right to govern has not been secured to any exulted individual, it is declared as sacred responsibility ensured to faithful. Much responsibilities has been shouldered on these who are at the helms of affaires and declared as servants of community. Government is supposed to be formed on the basis of popular representation. The rules are accountable to Allah on the one hand, and to electorates on the other, hence an Islamic government has to perform its function under dual check. Every Muslims has the right to hold even the highest political office provided he fulfills the requisite qualification.

Principle of consultation  

It has been made obligatory on the rulers to conduct their affairs through consultation. During the period of the pious caliphs, a regular institution known as “Al-Shura” was established for the performance of advisory functions regarding statecraft.


Political authority has been declared as a trust to be exercised by the people within the limits set by Quran and Sunnah. Secondly, government is made accountable to the people. Even the head of state is regarded one among equals and there is no scope for the accommodation of such principles as ‘king can do no wrong’ in Islam.

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Hey guys this is me Rana yusaI usually get frustrated to things as quick as i get attracted to 'em. I am affectionate, analytical, opinionated and self determined, realistict nd kind'a prcticle bo. I am not interested in talking to most people, perhaps that what makes those few unique individuals…

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