Never let me go

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girl's diary 

i broken up with him today ,i told him i wasn't happy , he didn't even ask me why , i thought that he will ask me to stay , but he didn't !! , he just let me go and jut like that i lost the guy i waited for so long ..

guy's diary 

i broken up with her today , she said that she wasn't happy , i was too hurt to ask her why , i wanted to stop her from leaving , but if wasn't happy with me there's no way i can make her stay 

so i just let her go 

just like that , i lost the girl i have ever dreaming of so long 

that's the problem of ego ........

it is always come in the middle of love . and separate two lovers always like this way , and they trying after that to be friends .. love like the wind . love like strong storm please be strong and always save your love .. 

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