Never regret love

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There is a certain moment in my life, I thought how unfortunate to have loved him so passionately.

I love you more than myself to a heart attack and did not utter that word, had kept silent walk in solitude on a deserted road.

I loved him with all sincerity then realized he had been betrayed. He walked towards a new person. I stood there watched, his stomach churned. Nostalgia hang around, nearby but also far really.

I loved him with all my heart, and then immersed in dreams when the night is not complete. The pain is still there, the memories are there, but they are gone.

I have more than once, thinking about our love, with a lot of regret and resentment that.

But while getting used to the emptiness, with no railing windy he stood, with no hard everyday he shared, I understand that the road we can go together just as long as it did. Somehow felt relieved.

I look back at what we've got, sweet memories, warm distant memory and suddenly find that you need to cherish it. Even after leaving.

Need to respect one who taught me to love. Who made ​​my heart flutter know who made ​​me cry but also the people who brought you so much joy. Time on my side, always remains in me as the morning dew sparkles.

I want to say thank you suddenly know what. Thank you for letting me know that the heart has been hurt although any size can also recover. Time will certainly heal all doses. There can not be any return to the same. But guaranteed relief.

And in a certain light fall from the attic of her beautiful baby, she found out she was calm and loving enough, to send to his greetings happy most sincere. Because once you love, do not say two words when to regret ...

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