Customer: Hi can I pay bills by phone please?
Ngongo: no mroblem Ngiss (miss) , mey naym
ngeb nuyr angount nummer mliss ?
Customer: What did you say ? is this some
kind of a joke. I cannot understand , any
single words you’ve said. Are you an
Ngongo: nges nguss mi , ngiss naym wan nuyr
angount nummer? Mliss ngaw ngen naym nelp
ngif nu nar nengry , ngyess naym mey
emmloyi , ngany mroblem ngam (mam) ?
Customer: Can I talk to a real person? Please
do not waste my time!
Ngongo: Henno! Henno! Nu meyk mi nengry !
snumid ! ngustomer , ngat nis nisngasning!
( disgusting!)
Nu nar mrenunise (prejudice) naym mill mayl
ngompleyn nu my numermaynor (supervisor).
Nakita ng supervisor si Ngongo galit na galit
at kinausap ang customer:
Supervisor: Henno! Henno ! ngiss mey naym
nelp nu? Henno! Henno! Nar nu nner? (are you
Customer: OMG! Another Robot!!!
Langya ngongo rin pala ang supervisor ,