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"In this life, when you deny someone an apology, you will remember it at time you beg  forgiveness"--Toba Beta


Ratings have dropped, and still, there will be no apologies that will be coming for the President's mouth anytime soon. Am I surprised? No, there is nothing new with that.


So many things had happened since the current Philippine president took his office almost five years ago. His first "test" happened, few moths after, when a hostage crisis happened, with at least eight Hong Kong tourists were killed, when a sacked policeman seized a bus. The policeman's demand? His reinstatement.


The President have extended his deepest regret about what had happened, but Hong Kong have been wanting to hear an apology for the tragic incident. Where the Security Secretary of Hong Kong have said, 21 attempts of request for an apology in the year 2012 alone.


And still, no apologies.

But was it necessary? Maybe no. Yes, maybe no.


With the Mamasapano case, where 44 SAF--Special Action Force were killed during the so called "misencounter", the President being the Chief of Staff, does he owe an apology to the family of the victims?



There has been inconsistency in his statements. He owe an explanation and an apology. Apology for he hasn't took care the situation well. He was asked to give the victims justice and truths, but...He will just simply point fingers instead taking the full responsibility.


Oh well...Maybe he is still on the process of getting more courage to admit, and give the apology to the victims and to his fellow Filipino.

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I am one lover...

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