Nothing More then XBOX

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A guy put his life at risk and jumped in to his burning Home to save his Xbox.  

A guy in Kansas state of the United States can't imagine to live without his playing devices, that's why he didn't care for his life and to save the xbox he went again into his burning home. 

He was saved twice unimaginably, to tell us what happened to him .

According to him ,he was sleeping when the fire blows , before he caught a fire, he woke and ran away , but when he came to know that his play station is inside his house, he turned back ,and jumped into his burning house. and came back successfully with his XBOX. 

According to Police, the guy just faced the bunch  of smoke. One thing is not clear yet. that which type of Xbox he had. But most probably it was xbox one. The point is to be noted that a one cannot put his life at risk for the video games.

About the author


My name is Faran Khalid , And i am an Electronic Engineer

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