One hour. I just spent the most important hour of my week. I needed time to get my head together. I needed to purge the nasty stuff growing in my mind. I don't know how you pull yourself together. Some meditate, exercise or scream. I read God's word, pray and sing. One hour. A few minutes in the book of Timothy 2 (my favorite) followed by dim lights, Christian music and getting into the presence of God. Asking to have the bad replaced with the good. Asking for the grace freely given. The one who always understands, always forgives and always loves. Ending with thank you. Thanking God for every good thing in my world. Speaking thanks.
Then I sing. Singing is part of worship for me. I sing like I am a star, with every ounce of me, I sing. I worship with song.
In that one hour I reclaim myself. The me I like. The me I want to be around. In one hour, I am redeemed.