Online Videos, a New Way To Interact

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I have recently watched 'The King's Speech' and couldn't recommend a better movie this month: amazing actors and great energy between them.

The topic of the movie - the ability to speak in public - made me realize that we don't use that kind of communication that much anymore. We chat online with our co-worker even though they are next door, we order online from the pizza place across the street... Why don't we go back to the basics? I think this is one of the reasons why online videos are so popular. Key word: interaction. And what is more interactive than a real person talking to you, even if it is through a computer screen?

You can apply that to all businesses. Let's have a video of a CEO presenting the results of his or her company rather than a written statement, one of a consultant giving tips and advice rather than an informal email to his clients, a filmmaker answering questions from the fans rather than an interview in a magazine.

Could this apply to your field as well? What do you think of online videos as a way to communicate?

Have a good weekend and don't forget: we have thousands of videos for you to watch on Film Annex! If you don't know where to begin, ask me!

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