oop concepts

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Object Oriented Programming in C++
Basics of OOP
In this section we describe the three most important areas in object oriented programming: encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
OOP was developed as a result of limitations in earlier approaches to programming. The basic
idea was to combine data and the functions that operate on that data into a single unit called
an object.
In OOP, when you approach a problem you should no longer be thinking about how to divide
it into functions. Rather you will be considering what objects to use. Thinking about objects
should result in a close match between objects in your program and objects in the real world.
In this section we will investigate the three basic ideas that form the basis of OOP: Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism.
1.1 Introduction to Encapsulation
The concept of encapsulation embodies the hiding of information (both data and code): local
variables are hidden in functions, private members are hidden in classes. As a result, external
direct access to the data and functions by name can be prevented. Therefore the programmer
has a greater freedom in the choice of object names, and the probability of programming errors
is reduced at the expense of stricter control of data access by the compiler.
1.2 Introduction to Inheritance
This is a concept in OOP that promotes code reuse through the inheritance mechanism. A
new class is derived from am existing one called the base class. The derived class reuses the
base class members and can add too and alter them. Inheritance avoids the redevelopment and
testing of code that already exists. The inheritance relationship is hierarchical and is a method
of coping with complexity.
1.3 Introduction to Polymorphism
This concept of C++ can be expressed by the following comparison. The inscription Do it!!
on a signboard or pointer is executed by a programmer and a mountain skier in different ways,
depending on what sort of object is indicated by the pointer. If it points in the direction of
a mountain then it means: “Ascend the mountain and ski down it”, and if it points int he
direction of a computer it means: “write a program”.
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To understand the notion of a derived class we give the following two examples.
#include <iostream.h>
class coordinate {public: int N;};
class x_cord {public : coordinate C;};
void main()
x_coord X;
cout << X.C.N;
#include <iostream.h>
class coordinate {public: int N;};
class x_cord : public coordinate{};
void main()
x_coord X;
X.N = 1;
cout << X.N;
The left hand box indicates how the class x coord uses class coordinate as one of its member
data items. In the right box it is indicated how the code of coordinate is reused via inheritance.
The : after the type name x coord means is derived from. In general the inheritance is carried
out with the following statement class derivedClass : <access-specifier> baseClass.
Even though the data member in coordinate is of public nature, once inherited it becomes
private. Hence one has to specify the <access-specifier> when inheriting. In general there
are three kinds of inheritances; public, protected and private. With public inheritance,
every object of a derived class may also be treated as an object of that base class’ derived
class. With protected access, derived classes and their friends can access protected base class
members, where as non-friend and non-derived-class-member functions cannot.
Note that a derived class cannot access the private members of its base class; allowing this
would violate the concept of encapsulation in C++. A derived class however has access to the
public and protected members of its base class. That is, the base class members that should
not be accessed within the derived class is defined as private. However a derived class can
access private members of the base class via the interfaces public and protected provided
by the base class.
Now we look closely at the different inheritance types. public inheritance is the most commonly used type of inheritance. For this type the public and protected members of the base
class are inherited as public and protected respectively. However friend functions are not
The protected access ensures that the public and protected members of the base class are
inherited as protected members of the derived class.
If the inheritance is private, both public and protected members of the base class become
private members in the derived class.
We now look at what inheritance means in terms of storage allocation.
Basics of OOP · 3
#include <iostream.h>
class base {char M[10];};
class derived:base {};
void main()
cout << sizeof(base) //10
<< sizeof(derived) //10
The base class contains an array of 10 characters and the storage allocation of it is 10
as indicated. We note also that the size of
the derived class is also 10. It becomes
clear that the class derived inherits member M in the sense that it is contained the
same way as if it was declared in the form
class derived char M[10];;.
A derived class can inherit its own members too. For example class base and class
derived:base. The class derived will have its members and all the members of base as
well. Now we are faced with a problem of differentiating between the member names of the
base class and the same named members in the derived class. In general, it is not a good idea
to have members with the same name in a derived class. However using the scope operator we
can differentiate the members of different classes.
In the following program we show how to differentiate members with same name in base
and derived classes. Note that these member of the derived class can be accessed implicitly
(D.N) or explicitly (D.x coord::N) while the members that are inherited can only be accessed
explicitly (D.coordinate::N). If there was no name clash. All members of the derived class
can be accessed implicitly.
#include <iostream.h>
class coordinate {public: int N;}; // base class
class x_coord : public coordinate{public: int N;}; // derived class
void main()
coordinate B;
x_coord D;
B.N=1; // coordinate member
D.N=sizeof(x_coord)/sizeof(coordinate); // x_coord member
D.coordinate::N=3; // inherited member
cout << B.N
<< D.N // implicit access
<< D.x_coord::N // same as above
<< D.coordinate::N; // explicit access, this
// cannot be accessed
// implicitly.
When adding a member function to a derived class under the same circumstances we have
the same problem. This is illustrated in the following example.
4 · PR2015 Object Oriented Programming
class base {public: int M;};
class derived : public base {
int M;
derived::derived() {
void main()
derived D;
cout << D.base::M << D.M;
In order to distinguish an inherited member with the same name in the body of a
member function, it is also necessary to use
the scope resolution operator as shown in
the program on the left. Here a constructor initializes both members that have the
same name M, one of which is inherited from
the base class base, and the other of which
is a proper member of the class derived.
Polymorphism is the genie is OOP, taking instructions from a client and properly interpreting
its wishes. A polymorphic function has many forms:
1. Coercion (ad hoc polymorphism): A function or operator works on several different types by
converting their values to the expected type.
2. Overloading (ad hoc polymorphism): A function is called based on its signature defined as
the list of argument types in its parameter list. For example cout alters the type of output
according to the input parameter type.
3. Inclusion (pure polymorphism): A type is a sub type of another type. Functions available for
the base type will work on the sub type. Such a function can have different implementations
that are invoked by a run-time determination of sub type. The virtual function call that uses
pointers fall into this category.
4. Parametric polymorphism (pure polymorphism): The type is left unspecified and is later
substantiated. Manipulation of generic pointers and templates provides this in C++.
We will see how these things tie in with real programming concepts now.
3.1 Inheriting Functions
All member functions of a base class are inherited by a derived class in the same way as data
members. A special case arises when a derived class contains its own member function having
the same name and a list of arguments as a member function of the base class.
Basics of OOP · 5
#include <iostream.h>
class base {
void Say();
void base::Say() {
cout << "Base Say()" << endl;
class derived: public base {
void Say();
void derived::Say() {
cout << "Derived Say()" << endl;
void main()
derived D, *pD;
In this program we show how member functions with identical names are inherited by
another class. A member function inherited from the base class may be invoked
only with the use of the scope resolution
operator. The name of the inherited function is hidden by the function of the derived class that has the same name. It
is seen that the member function of the
derived class type can be accessed without the scope resolution operator. The
program also illustrates the use of pointers
to access the member functions within the
class. The scope is again defined to resolve
the ambiguity of the function Say() that
is a member function of the class derived
and the inherited class base. There is another method that can be used to address
member functions of classes using pointers.
// Replacement for main
// in the above program
void main()
derived D;
base *pB;
pB = &D;
In this program a pointer is defined to the
base class and it is used to point to the
derived class. In doing so the conversion
‘derived *’ to ‘base *’ occurs. That is,
both pB->Say() and pB->base::Say() refer to the member function base::Say().
However, pB->derived::Say() will generate an error since derived is not a base
class of base.
The above program indicated that the type of pointer determines which function it is addressing within the class. The base class within the derived class can be accessed by the above
controlled pointer conversion. However the opposite is not possible. That is if a base class
object is created using base B and a pointer to the derived class is set to point to the base class
as derived *pD=&B, the program will generate an error since ‘base *’ cannot be converted to
‘derived *’.
Now our next question is why did pB=&D work. This works since the base class is a subset
of the derived class, hence anything that can be accessed using a pointer to the derived class
can also be explicitly accessed using a pointer to the base class. This is known as the ‘default
pointer conversion’ in classes.
6 · PR2015 Object Oriented Programming
The above process can also be achieved by using explicit pointer conversion. However one
is not encouraged to use explicit pointer conversion unless it is absolutely necessary. This is
carried out using explicitly type casting using (type *) notation.
The foundation of polymorphism in C++ is based on a mechanism known as the virtual
functions. It is important to understand the difference between an ordinary member function
and a virtual member function. Virtual functions are called using a pointer to the base class as
described earlier.
#include <iostream.h>
class base
virtual void Say();
void base::Say() {
cout << "Base Say()" << endl;
class derived : public base
void Say();
void derived::Say() {
cout << "Derived Say()" << endl;
void main()
derived D;
base *pB;
In this program the default pointer conversion occurs differently. In the previous case pB->Say() was the same as
base::Say(). However now with the definition of virtual in the base class function, pB->Say() refers to derived::Say().
Hence if one wants to access the function
Say() in the base class it has to be addressed using pB->base::Say(). Furthermore pB->derived::Say() will generate
an error since derived is not a base class of
base. Hence it is clear that a virtual function is a member function that is called via
a pointer to a public base class. The actual
member function invoked is decided by the
class type of the actual object that is addressed by the pointer. The following example shows you how to put this into practice.
For example consider the shape class which is used as the base class for a number of different
shapes like the square, rectangle, arc and so on. Each of these classes can have its own function
to compute the area. To obtain the areas of a several of these shapes, you can create an array of
pointers to all the shapes in the program with a statement like shape * array[n]. Choosing
the appropriate array member array[i]->area(); one can get the appropriate area. That is
if the pointer in array points to a circle, the functions returns the area of a circle. But, all the
different classes must be derived from the same base class and the base class member function
must be virtual.
3.2 Using Virtual Functions
The scenario handle by virtual functions is as follows. Imagine it is necessary to develop a
function which has a pointer to an object as an argument and it is necessary that the function
Basics of OOP · 7
should take different actions depending upon the type of the object: base or derived.
class base {
void NV() {
cout << "Base NonVitual \n";
class derived : public base {
void NV() {
cout << "Derived NonVirtual \n";
void UseB(base *pB) {
void UseD(derived *pD) {
void main()
base B;
derived D;
#include <iostream.h>
class base {
virtual void V() {
cout << "Base Virtual \n";
class derived : public base {
void V() {
cout << "Derived Virtual \n";
void Use(base *pB) {
void main()
base B;
derived D;
In the first program, two functions are presented for the pointer conversion. In the second
program the default pointer conversion happens and the appropriate function within the class
can be called via the same function call. The programs can also be set up to be called via
references rather than pointers. Then the function calls would be Use(B) and Use(D). Where
as the function definition will hold void Use(base &B) rather than a pointer and within this
function definition one can use B.V(); to call the virtual function inside the class.
We note the following
1. A derived class can itself serve as a base class.
2. A class can be derived from any number of base classes.
The first item is similar to the concept of nested classes. The second item is similar to having
multiple class definitions within a class. The following programs illustrate the use of the above
concepts. The first program illustrates concept of indirect inheritance. With the inheritance
hierarchy the class point inherits all the members of coordinate. The variable calls P.N,
P.coordinate::N, P.x coord:N and P.point::N all refer to the same variable. However the
call P.N is the most useful.
In the second program one cannot use variable calls such as P.N since N is ambiguous inside
the class point and so is P.coordinate::N. A base class cannot appear more than once in
8 · PR2015 Object Oriented Programming
the multiple inheritance list. Each comma separated base class will be preceded by its access
class coordinate {public: int N;};
class x_coord : public coordinate {};
class point : public x_coord {};
void main()
coordinate C;
x_coord X;
point P;
cout << C.N << X.N << P.N << endl;
cout << P.N
<< P.coordinate::N
<< P.x_coord::N
<< P.point::N;
class coordinate {public: int N;};
class x_coord : public coordinate {};
class y_coord : public coordinate {};
class point : public x_coord, public y_coord {};
void main()
point P;
cout << P.x_coord::N
<< P.y_coord::N;
Next we look at what happened to virtual function in a multiple inheritance environment.
class coordinate {
int N;
virtual void Say() {
cout << N << " coordinate::N" << endl;
class x_coord : public coordinate {
void Say() {
cout << N << " x_coord::N" << endl;
class point : public x_coord {
void Say() {
cout << N << " point::N" << endl;
class any : public point {
void Say() {
cout << N << " any::N" << endl;
void Say(coordinate &C) {
void main()
coordinate C;
x_coord X;
point P;
any A;
In this program a non member global function Say is used to process objects of various types. The argument it takes is a ‘reference to coordinate’. Due to the existence
of the virtual function feature in the body
of the global function Say(), the function
Say() which is the member function of the
same class as the object that is passed into
the global function is called. This is confirmed by the output of the program;
1 coordinate::N
2 x_coord::N
3 point::N
4 any::N
If we discard the keyword virtual from the
program, the absence of the virtual function feature will result in calling in all three
calls to Say(), the version corresponding to
class coordinate and the outputs of the
program will be ;
1 coordinate::N
2 coordinate::N
3 coordinate::N
4 coordinate::N
Basics of OOP · 9
It is seen that in all cases the base class function is called with the appropriate variable N.
When a pointer to the base class points to the derived class, the variable N is the one in the
derived class, since the variable in the base class has to be addressed using the scope base::N.
What is most impressive about the virtual function mechanism is that if you extend the
hierarchy of derived class, you need not change the general function for processing, which in out
example is the global function Say(). The class Any shows that it is sufficient in a new derived
class to introduce the necessary virtual function Say(), and it will be called automatically with
Say(A) where A is an object type of the derived class.
In this section we look at how constructors of the base classes are used to create a derived class
When an object of a class derived from
one base class is defined, then first
a base class constructor is called, after which a derived class constructor
is called. When an object of a derived class is destroyed, the destructors are called in reverse order to that
of the constructors. The program to
the right will illustrate this. The base
constructor followed by the derived
constructor will be called at the creation of the object.
#include <iostream.h>
class base {
base() {cout << "Base constructor\n";}
~base() {cout << "Base destructor\n";}
class derived : public base {
derived() {cout << "Derived constructor\n";}
~derived() {cout << "Derived destructor\n";}
void main()
cout << "Main Start\n";
derived D;
cout << "Main end\n";
An implicit call of a base constructor has a significant drawback since only a default constructor without arguments can be called in this manner. That is if no default constructor is
available in the base class, an error will be generated at the compilation time. However C++
provides a method to specify which base constructor is to be called at object creation. The
following program illustrates how the base constructor is called with an initializer list.
class base {
base(int i) {
cout << i << " Int constructor in base\n";
class derived : public base {
derived () : base (1) {
cout << "Default constructor in Derived\n";
void main()
derived D;
The output of this program is
1 Int constructor in base
Default constructor in Derived
Had we used derived() : base ()
{...} as the constructor definition in
derived, the constructor would have
called the default constructor of the
base class base() rather than the
overloaded constructor base(int i).
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However for the latter case the default constructor should be defined within the base class.
We now extend the information we have gathered to include constructor calls for multiple
inheritances as well.
#include <iostream.h>
class coordinate {
int N;
coordinate(int n) {N=n;}
class x_coord : public coordinate {
x_coord(int n) : coordinate(n){}
class y_coord : public coordinate {
y_coord(int n) : coordinate(n){}
class point : public x_coord, public y_coord {
point(int nx, int ny) : x_coord(nx),y_coord(ny){}
void main()
point P (1,2);
cout << P.x_coord::N
<< P.y_coord::N;
In this program all the classes use an
overloaded constructor. In a multiple inheritance scenario, the constructors which are required to be called
are listed, separated by commas, after
the colon in the the constructor definition. Note that only the constructor of a direct base class can appear
in this list. That is, the indirect base
class coordinate cannot appear in
this list. The initializers are passed in
via point P (1,2). These initializers
are passed to the constructors x coord
and y coord, which in turn passes to
the constructor coordinate. As a result P.x coord::N and P.y coord::N
assume the values 1 and 2.
C++ uses the keyword template to provide parametric polymorphism. Parametric polymorphism allows the same code to be used with respect to different types where the type is a
parameter in the code body. The code is written generically. An important use of this technique is found in writing generic container classes. In this section we consider function and class
template. Function templates can be used to create a group of related, overloaded functions.
Overloaded function are normally used to perform similar operations on different types of data.
This is a powerful feature in OOP.
7.1 Function Templates
Consider a function Say(), which is to output the values of the variables of different types to
the monitor with a new line. From the methods we know so far we can achieve this objective
by writing a set of overloaded functions with the same name and different types of argument.
Another approach is to use the following template.
Basics of OOP · 11
template<class Type>
void Say(Type obj) {
cout << endl << obj;
void main()
Here the keywords template and class are
keywords and the word Type can be any
C++ data type. It is seen that any type of
object can be passed into the function and
the appropriate type is understood and the
cout function called. The function can be
set to return a generic type too. For example Type Say(Type obj) is acceptable. However, if
there is a class defined as class NewClass, then the function call Say(NewClass) will generate
an error since cout is undefined for a type NewClass. However this issue can be circumvented by
defining a friend function operator<<() within the class which uses operator overloading. As
seen from the above discussion, template functions and overloading are intimately related. The
related functions generated from a function template all have the same name, so the compiler
uses overloading resolution to invoke the proper function. template¡class Type¿ void Say(Type
obj) cout ¡¡ endl ¡¡ obj; ; void main() Say(’1’); Say(2);
7.2 Class Templates
Similar to a function template, a class template defines a generic class that accepts a parameter.
template <class T>
class Point {
T X;
T Y;
void Set(T x, T y);
void Say() {
cout << "\nX = " << X
<< "\nY = " << Y;}
template <class T>
void Point<T>::Set(T x, T y) {
void main()
Point<int> pi;
Point<float> pf;
The parameter T is used to pass in the
data type. Note the syntax of the external function definition. The first line of the
member function definition coincides with
the first line of the class template declaration template <class T>. You can also
see that the name of the parameter T is attached to the class name Point. This parameter may be used in an argument list
and in the body of the function. The rest
of the function definition is normal. The
expression Point<int> pi replaces all instances of T with int in the template definition.
When using templates, static members are not universal, but are specific to each instant of
the class object.
template <class T>
class test {
static int count;
If this is the template, the instances
test<int> a;
test<double> b;
will have distinct static variable instances
test<int>::count and test<double>::count.
12 · PR2015 Object Oriented Programming
That is, each template class created from class template has its own copy of each static data
member of the class template; all objects of that template class share that one static data
member. And as with static data members of non-template classes, static data members of
template classes must be initialized at file scope. Each template class gets its own copy of the
class template static member functions.
Both classes and function templates can have several class arguments. For example template
<class T1, class T2> is possible. Other possible template arguments include constant expression, function names, and character strings. For example template <class T, int n> is
possible. If such a class definition is called assign, then it is called using assign<double,2>
x,y; and so on.
template <class T>
class newClass {
friend void universalFriend();
friend vect<T> instantiated(vect<T> v);
A template class can contain friend functions too. A friend function that does not
use a template specification is universally a
friend of all objects created of the template
class. If a friend function that incorporates
template arguments is specifically a friend of its object class. This makes sense because when
a parameterization is used in the friend function, it depends on the type of parameter and
cannot be a friend of an object with a different parameter type.
Dynamic allocation of memory using generic parameterization is achieved using ptr = new
T[size]. Templates and inheritance are closely related. A class template can be derived from
either a template class or a non-template class. A template class can be derived from a class
template. A non-template class can be derived from a class template.
Apart from implicit type conversions and ad hoc polymorphism, C++ also supports explicit
cast conversions. Following are some of the cast operators.
static cast is used when the conversion is well defined and portable. reinterpret cast is
used when the cast is system dependent as in a reference. The dynamic cast can be used to
determine the type at run time. for example,
Base* ptr;
Derived* dptr = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(ptr);
will ensure safe type casting. The cast converts the pointer value ptr  to a Derived*. If the
conversion is inappropriate, a value zero, the NULL pointer is returned. This is known as a
Basics of OOP · 13
STL is the C++ standard library providing generic programming for many standard data structures and algorithms. It provides containers, iterators and algorithms that support a standard
for generic programming. At the onset we will explore what containers, iterators and algorithms


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