op 100 Personal Development Blogs for 2015

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We’re kicking off 2015 with an absolute bang!

Damn, I love this time of year. It’s all about setting your year up for massive success and what better way of doing that then presenting you with the best personal development blogs for 2015. In fact, we bring you the Top 100!

This is the third year that we have compiled the Top 100 personal development blogs and every year we see more and more blogs adding great value to people all around the world.

I must say, because of all the awesome value that everyone is putting out there on the internet, it is getting harder and harder for personal development bloggers to make this list. So if you have made the list of the Top 100 personal development blogs this year then I, and everyone else, give you HUGE congratulations!

But firstly, I hope you had an absolutely fantastic night to bring in 2015. Sylvia and I went to a friend’s apartment with views across Sydney Harbour in Australia to witness some absolutely spectacular fireworks. It was the perfect way to farewell 2014 and launch into the New Year.

Now, more than ever, is the perfect time to regain focus on what you truly want in life and ensure you have the strategies and support you need to be successful at it too. The turn of the New Year gives us a clear time to separate the past and move forward into the future.

That’s why I love this time of year. It’s the perfect time for creating new habits, setting your goals and making real change in your life.

Being a student of the personal development industry most of my life, I’m always on the lookout for the latest and greatest resources to not only implement into my own life but to also share with those around me. Since I’ve been running my own business I’ve fallen more and more into the well of personal development and self-improvement and I absolutely love it! With the internet now a common place for everyone and the ‘free economy’ being born, it’s amazing to know that what was once hidden from the majority of people and limited to a select few people paying $5,000 to access information at a weekend seminar, this information is now mostly widely available for free on the internet or at least at a much more affordable price.

The key to all this information is being able to pull what’s relevant for you and being able to apply that information in a systematic and successful way that will lead you towards your desired life.


Best Blogs 2015


The Best Personal Development Blogs for 2015

I feel honoured to know that over the last few years I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of the blog owners in this list and share some great experiences with them. I can certainly say that after sifting through each and every self-improvement blog, I’m highly impressed with everyone’s work!

It is somewhat tricky putting together a list of the Top 100 personal development blogs as it can be rather subjective in nature. To avoid this, I’ve removed any of my own opinions or judgements and let pure metrics do the talking.

As with previous years, what I have created is a list of personal development blogs that rank from the most trafficked (largest number of visitors) down to the least trafficked. This list will provide you with a clear indication of how large a website is and its relative importance in the personal development blogosphere. Keep in mind, even though the blogs towards the bottom are the ‘least trafficked’, they are still within the Top 100 out of hundreds and thousands of personal development blogs out there on the internet (if not more!).

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that a larger site (a site ranked towards the top) does not necessarily indicate that the site is of better quality. Generally speaking, you will find that the larger sites have been around for longer and have more blog posts and content being crawled by Google. Because of this, they are sure to have larger audiences. In saying that, however, the top sites have lasted the test of time and continue to have strong readership so they must be doing something right!


Multiple-Authored Websites:

Last year we introduced the concept of ‘magazine-styled’ or ‘multiple-authored’ personal development websites. These are websites that originated as personal development blogs but have grown to a level where there are now multiple authors providing content on a regular basis.

Keeping in tune with last year, I have decided to again separate these blogs as they are more ‘commercial’ in nature and not really websites that I would classify as ‘blogs’.

Yes, there are still some blogs in the Top 100 list that have multiple authors (including yours truly), however the key difference is that in the Top 100 list the blog owner is still the main, active contributor to the website and they are the primary person that you will be learning from.

Rather than eliminate these websites completely, I always decide to add them here as they are still fantastic resources to learn from, a great means of finding personal development professionals that you might relate with and are also great guest posting sites for those personal development bloggers that would like to write an article on another site.

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