Orange Ice Cream

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1/12 cups of heavy cream

1/12 cups of whole  milk

2 tablespoons  zest of oranges

3/4  cups of sugar

1/2 cup  freshly orange juice

5 egg yolks

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract (or1sachet vanilla sugar)

Mix fresh cream, milk grated  orange peel  in a pot g  heat  it until  it squirt .Remove  the pot  from the stove  g let it  stay for 30 minutes  . To anther  saucepan combine the orange juice with 1/2  cup sugar . Heat   it until it  starts  to boil  g stir  until  sugar melted .Then  let it to thicken . Without  stirring  g mix until it receives  a dark  golden  color . Swing  the pot every minute. Remove the pot from  the stove  carefully   put a half  cup of milk  g heavy cream  g stir  until it's nicely  mixed Then  slowly  pour  the remaining  milk  stirring .Place  mixture in poorly  heated  hotplate  g bland it  until  every thing  is nicely in a middle  bowl  beat  the egg  whites  with remaining 1/4  cup of sugar  slowly  with constant  stirring  add a warm  caramel Retum  the  mixture  to the pot  g stir  with a wooden  spoon on  medium  heated  stove  until  it is  thick  enough  Be careful Reduce  the heat if is necessary Add vanilla  g  leave  the mixture  to cool  at the room  temperature g then  place  it  in a  fridge.





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