Ore mine

Posted on at

A platform mined Bitcoin quite interesting. Every 8 hours, must be some figures that have to go back and see what lies beneath them.

On the top row, hide questionable. Their significance is:

pickaxes - it adds a Satoshi

golden shield - 1000 Satoshi

shield gray - 100 Satoshi

pebble - Satoshi how much you currently have

On the bottom row, stones worth, Satoshi number, which I own.

Upgrade your 7 levels. Picture attached.

As you can see, I did upgrade to level 3. Payment shall be made instant wallet, but it retains 0.0005 BTC.

7% are awarded for each referral enrolled.

My opinion is to upgrade to level 3. Satoshi 3200 win at 8:00, so Satoshi 9600 in 24 hours. To register, visit the images.

Do you want a high gain in the short term? I recommend, try binary options.



About the author


Freelancer and forex trader!

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