Our New Feature: The Web TV Revenue Graph

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Attention all Web TV partners!

We've got some great news for you. From now on, you'll be able to keep track of your Web TV revenues, monitor daily and monthly increases, and have the option to request payment from us just by clicking one button.

To see your Web TV income, click on "MyPage" when you're logged into your profile and check out the revenue graph on the right hand corner of the page. To see your revenue share in detail, click on the "go to revenues page" button right below the graph. This page will show you the revenues your Web TV generated for the past four months, and you'll be able to see a detailed breakdown of the current month's revenues. Alternatively, you can click on the "My Revenues" button on your "MyPage."

We are in the process of adding a "request payment" button on your revenues page, which will notify our accounting department that will send the payment straight to you. This way you'll have more control over your revenues and change your game plan to increase your income if necessary.

Lastly, please be reminded that adding scripts, production notes, and transcripts onto your film pages will increase your visibility and page rank in search engines.

This feature is brand new, so let us know if anything is not clear to you!

The Film Annex Team

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bitLanders is a digital platform whose entire user base earns bitcoin for their content and social activity. The goal of bitLanders is to promote worldwide access to the genius of Blockchain technology in a fun, unique, and safe environment. bitLanders users build and engage content (videos, blogs, photos, advertisements). The…

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