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             PAKISTANS DOMESTIC SCENARIO                     Pakistan is passing through a very critical phase.Democracy has not been able to strenthen its foundations.Terrorists acts are rampant Our economy had definitely suffered due to the terrorist activities.Pakistan lacks political consensus.Politicians have never acted responibly they lack tolerance which is essential in democracy.Healthy criticism by opposition is what makes a government perform better for the welfare of the masses.Instead lust for power and wealth has been rife.We lost east pakistan in 1971.We cannot afford to lose anything more.Army has ruled pakistan for several years due to the incompetence and vested interests of our politicians..          Our foreign policy has remainted pro american over the years.We fought the soviet union in afghanistan for a decade supported by the US.We are now fighting the Taliban whom we helped come to power in 1996 and al qaeda in amerian led war on terroism.Suicide bombinngs have augmented.Former PM bennazir bhutto was assassinated marriott hotel in islamabad was destroyed mumbai attacks and most dangerous place in the world investors and tourists are both reluctant to visit our  country.Baluchistan too is in turmoil terrorists take advantage of an anarchic situation by working in coolusion with the local people.If the local people are poor unemployed illiterate or are aggrieved in any sense they would support the perpetrators of crime.Extermism is on the rise.We have to go a long way in coping with terrorism.This can only be handled in the presence of democracy.Simply by conducting free and fair elections democracy cannot be ensured.There had been such elected governments even before but the falied miserably.Corruption was and still is unbridled.In the absence of pure democracy planning cannot be effectively materializes.Education has never been emphasized.There is poverty unemployment and illiteracy all around.Pakistan poverty rate has jumped from 23.9% to 37.5% in the course of 3 years due to severe economic shocks.64 million people are living below the poverty line.Pakistan position in human Development index HDI is 136 out of 177 countries.40% of the urban population lives in slump areas.The shere of the PSDP public sector development peogram has been reduced.It is impossible for pakistan to meet the UN millennium development goals MDGS.The current global econmic crisis has made the situation even worse.Pakistan is ranked among the 43 countries most exposed to poverty risks. on the hand politicians mostly feudal lords live in palatial buildings and move around in luxurious cars.A high number of ministers have proven to be white elephants.National exchequer has been plundered ruthlessly.Politicians and bureaucrats have not perfromed up to the mark. Accountability has remained weak leading to corrupt practices..

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