Paper Doll

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Ever feel like you don't have enough hours in the day and like a paper doll you are constantly switching outfits? Wife/Girlfriend, Mother/Daughter, Friend, Sister, Worker!!! How do you balance it all and still make time for yourself? As we get older we are realizing more and more that you have to prioritize what is truly important in your life because it's impossible to do it all. Also it's sooo important to make sure to make time for yourself or else you won't be a good friend, wife, mother or worker because you won't give anything the energy or dedication that it needs. We read some tips on WebMD on how to balance your work/life: 1. Build downtime into your schedule: Don't constantly stay busy with work and not make time to relax with friends, family or yourself. 2. Drop activities that sap your time or energy: Try to focus on activities that are priorities vs. things that are just a waste of time. 3. Rethink your errands: The internet is an amazing tool so use it to go shopping and do other errands that may take up time. 4. Get moving: Find the time to exercise. It will make you feel better inside and out and give you more energy to fit more into your day. 5. Remember that a little relaxation goes a long way: As I said earlier, make sure to make time for yourself and time to relax! Let us know how you deal with work/life balance! xo Love Mania

About the author


Two best friends who have known each other since childhood, discuss dating, relationships and love. They share their experiences, friends stories and emails from fans. Questions or stories? Email us at

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