Peaceful Halloween

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  It was Oct. 31, Halloween day, as Terra sat on the bus on the way home. She watches as kids dressed in their best costumes begging for the candies at strangers doors. Terra couldn't help but smile, it was peaceful looking and fun. "Maybe this year..." She wondered, "No one will get hurt." Terra watched as a girl dressed a a death fairy princess skipped on to the next house, she shivered and covered her eyes. "No...everything will be fine, its a peaceful Halloween." 

  Terra swung open the front door and slapped it behind her, "Mother!" she cried! "Mother!!" She dropped her belonging and covered her eye as she stormed through the house. She heard a loud clatter come from the basement and quickly opened the door. Cold rot-smelling air greeted her. "Mother!" She ran down the stairs. Her mother looked up, her gloved covered hands and white lab coat were drenched in blood. Her mother smiled, "Welcome home sweet heart!" Her mother turned and picked up a persons head by the hair and showed her. "Your just in time! I was just about to-" Terra grab the head and devoured it. Her mother stood there silently. 

  Terra looked at her with black eyes, fragments of human flesh and blood covered her face. She began to cry tears of blood. "Mother...its happening again...its happening again!" She cried her voice sounding distorted. Her mother quickly stripped her gloves off and grab a napkin wiping her daughters face. "Shhh shhh," she said, "Its alright," Her mother smiled when Terra's face was all clear of death. "Now you get to go 'Kill or eating' tonight, isnt that exciting." Terra hugged herself and began shivering. "Yes...but doesn't that mean....allot of people will die again?" Her mother froze and watched as Terra's skin turned more pale and her teeth sharped. "Mom?" Terra looked up at her mother and yelped in fear when she saw her mothers red eyes and fangs. Her mother hissed, her forked tongue sliding out of her mouth then ducking back inside. "No darling, it simple means..." She patted Terra's head, "Its going to be another Peaceful Halloween."


(For readers: Hello again! Happy Halloween! Today's special blog story was brought to you by me sitting on the train looking out the window at the trick or treating kids and thinking "No one is died yet so its a peaceful Halloween right?" Lolz I don't know how it became this story! Terra is my daughter on Skype, for YouTube maple animations! I'm a demon she is my demon daughter so you get the picture! I'm the mother Terra is my daughter! YAY FOR HALLOWEEN! Hehehe! I hope you enjoyed and have a scary bloody nightmare filled Halloween! -Tanisha K. Wright) 

About the author


I'm Tanisha, a senior in high school. Age:17 Right now in life, all I'm thinking about is college and my future.

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